Knowing Your Limits: How Moderating Helps Dahlas Feel Her Best

Knowing Your Limits: How Moderating Helps Dahlas Feel Her Best

 This month, we sat down with Dahlas Fletcher, Founder of Body Fabulous and mum to 3 littles.

Before starting her business, Dahlas had a high-pressure career in Corporate Marketing and Fitness. She found the social culture relied heavily on drinks, creating a bit of a dichotomy for her:

“There were always “after-work drinks” and many work social events. However, I soon discovered alcohol after work did not do me any favours especially if I had to get up early the next morning to be with a PT client or turn up perky for a group fitness class.”

During this time, Dahlas learnt that not drinking during the week and limiting her alcohol intake on weekends worked for her.

Once she took the leap and followed her passion into her own fitness business, Dahlas kept a similar relationship with alcohol.

“My early mornings now not only involve working-out but also organising my 3 children for school or Saturday sport ! Plus 3 pregnancies (over 27th months not drinking) really made me realise I didn’t miss it !”

Dahlas has found that moderating in this was has really worked for her – and it’s allowed her to explore the effects of drinking on her body:

“Drinking more mindfully means I am more conscious of the negative effects of when I do drink, including a restless night of sleep, anxiety, headaches and dehydration !

I definitely feel more energised, alert and positive when I avoid alcohol.”

She also makes sure that if she does decide to have a drink or two, she’s conscious of filling up on nourishing food and staying  hydrated. She’s also found non alcoholic drinks are a great alternative.

“Today, fabulous non-alcoholic drinks like Altina also make it much easier to not drink, especially if you feel like you need a “grown up” alternative to lemonade !”

When asked what advice she has for others who are considering changing their relationship with alcohol – and think moderation is a good option for them – she says,

“Just try it ! Tune into how you feel when you DO and when you DON”T drink. Then decide which you prefer. It’s a bit like exercise you don’t need to “go hard.” Try everything in moderation and make it consistent, then the magic happens.


Thanks Dahlas for sharing your story with us. It’s a privilege to have you as part of our mindful drinker community. If you’d like to stay in touch with Dahlas, you can follow her on Instagram at or check out her website